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2024-25 All Fees Waived! 


Chapter Membership

Chapter memberships provide a direct line of communication between chapters to other schools in their region and beyond. Chapter memberships are highly encouraged. Chapters can apply for sponsorship, request space on the NAPALSA website, and advertise to our vast network.


In prior years, chapter membership was $75 per year.

Individual Membership

Individual memberships allow students to stay up to date with NAPALSA directly. Since fees are waived this year, we highly encourage students to join!


In prior years, individual membership was $35 per year.

Benefits of Membership

By joining our NAPALSA membership, you as an individual, or an officer on behalf of an organization, have the opportunity to engage with our national community, resources, and opportunities vetted through our network. In addition, you contribute to the growing strength, voice, and power of NAPALSA and the greater APA legal community.


Register to become a member of NAPALSA and to connect with other APALSA chapters nationally. In the wake of COVID-19, the NAPALSA Board has voted to suspend dues for chapters and individual memberships through January 2021. You can sign up by following the "Join Now" link below and entering your website to subscribe to our webpage. Being an official affiliate of NAPALSA will provide your community with great benefits:


Networking and Community-Building Programming

  • Annual NAPABA (National Asian Pacific American Bar Association) Convention Workshops

  • Regional workshops (e.g. Bay Area APALSA Conference)

  • Inter-APALSA events (e.g. New York Inter-APALSA Council meetings & mixers)


Career and Professional Opportunities

  • Exclusive NAPALSA Job Posting Board

  • First-to-know about our professional development programming

  • Access to NAPALSA's resource database, with best practices for your career search


National Updates

  • Monthly NAPALSA newsletter (spotlights on chapter affiliates, events, job postings)

  • NAPABA programming updates and important deadlines

Make a donation to NAPALSA

Interested in expanding the diversity of the legal profession and by uplifting API law students? Support NAPALSA in our steadfast efforts to provide professional development, academic resources, and community-building programming for hundreds of law students across the nation. Any donation helps us do what we do!


One time










Become a NAPALSA member today to receive our newsletters, professional opportunities, and connect with our national community.

  • Linkedin
  • Instagram

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©2023 by National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association.

Original design by NAPALSA alumna Angela Guertin. Maintained by NAPALSA VP of Operations.

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